To The Point: A MarshBerry Video Series

A Discussion on the Debt Market with Max Saffian from Fortress Investment Group, Part I

Join George Bucur and Max Saffian, Managing Director and Partner at Fortress Investment Group, as they discuss the impact of the changing debt market on the insurance distribution segment. The debt markets play a crucial role in achieving rates of return on investments for the buyer and investor community. Specifically, with private capital buyers, who may be significantly leveraged and drive the vast majority of transaction activity. Due to the heightened cost of debt and economic concerns, M&A markets in certain industries have significantly slowed or completely shut down, which adversely impacts valuation. However, given the characteristics of the insurance segment valuations for high quality sellers have not (yet) been materially impacted. Max Saffian shares his insights on the availability and costs relating to debt issuances in this transitioning market.

*Fortress Investment Group is not an affiliate of MarshBerry or MarshBerry Capital.

Image of George Bucur

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