Quality of Earnings

Think MarshBerry. Think Forward.

Quality of Earnings Analysis for Insurance & Wealth Management Firms

Quality of Earnings analysis and consulting are critical to understanding how to best optimize.

MarshBerry’s depth of historical knowledge and extensive data translates to the ability for you to better understand the risks and challenges of a transaction and evaluate the prospects for future success​.

MarshBerry Quality of Earning Experts Help You:

  • Delineate between fixed amount earnings and estimated earnings​
  • Identify cash vs noncash earnings
  • Clarify recurring vs nonrecurring revenue​
  • Categorize income by source and type​

What you will gain from a Quality of Earnings Analysis:

  • Address accounting issues​
  • Identify and/or validate adjustments to pro forma​
  • Enhance the efficiency of the transaction close process​
  • Quantify working capital requirements​
  • Provide insights and analysis of financial statements​
  • Determine key areas for focus ​

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